DaSCH - Swiss National Data and Service Center for the Humanities | Archive
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DaSCH - Swiss National Data and Service Center for the Humanities

We provide expertise in
Research Data Management and Long-Term Preservation

The National DARIAH consortium officially joined DARIAH ERIC as an Observer on January 1, 2021. Previously, Switzerland had participated in DARIAH through a number of institutions that joined with the status of Cooperating Partners. In November 2020, the General Assembly of DARIAH ERIC voted unanimously to accept Switzerland’s application for the status of Observer in the Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities for a three-year period.

DARIAH’s activities in Switzerland are coordinated by DaSCH, where the DARIAH-CH Coordination Office is located. Dr. Rita Gautschy, Director of DaSCH, acts as National Coordinator for DARIAH, while Dr. Cristina Grisot, National Coordination Officer for DARIAH, manages the DARIAH requests for Switzerland.

We offer several tools to guide and help researchers through the different phases of their project.

Rome in the Early Middle Ages: Arts and Culture


Bernoulli-Euler Online (BEOL)

Big Data in Agriculture: The Making of Smart Farms

Decolonizing Socialism: Entangled Internationalism. An Intersectional Study of Cold War Projects from East Germany in Cinema and Cybernetics with Relevance for the 21st Century

Côté chaire, côté rue, La Réforme à Genève (1517-1617)

Drawings of gods: A Multicultural and Interdisciplinary Approach of Children’s Representations of Supernatural Agents

University of Basel Kings’ Valley Project

Canonicity, Obscenity, and the Making of Modern Chaucer (COMMode): An Investigation of the Transmission and Audiences of The Canterbury Tales from 1700 to 2020

Vitrocentre (Vitrails)

Digital Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae 
(Digital LIMC)

The Medieval Frame of Monumental Portal Sculpture (Pedestals, Canopies, Niches) : Cultural Transfers and Agency (12th-13th Centuries)

Life Histories of Theban Tombs

Musiklexikon Schweiz (MLS)

Religious speech embarrassed, radio debates and controversies around gender: Switzerland and France, 2006-2016

« Théâtre de société » (Age of Enlightenment - Second French Empire)

Die Bilderfolgen der Basler Frühdrucke: Spätmittelalterliche Didaxe als Bild-Text-Lektüre

Tonbandsammlung Folkfestival auf der Lenzburg

Gustave Roud, Complete works

The International Olympic Committee members (1894-1972). A transnational elite prosopography

Anton Webern Gesamtausgabe

A Gender Perspective on Film Character and Stardom: Studying the Production of Film Representations in the Forties (Claude Autant-Lara Collection, Swiss Film Archive)

Annotating Media of Bruno Manser


Der späte Nietzsche

Hôtel de Musique Bern

Education by numbers (Bildung in Zahlen)

Photo Archive of the Cultural Anthropology Switzerland (CAS)

Beyond the Text. New Funerary Compositions from the Graeco-Roman Period

Portraits of Unbelonging (POU)

Postkarten Russland

Fotoarchiv Kunsthalle Basel

WordWeb / IDEM: A new way of representing Intertextuality in Drama of the Early Modern Period

Bilddatenbank Bibliothek St. Moritz (Dokubib)


Historische-Kritische Gottfried Keller Ausgabe (HKKA)

Le scénario chez Alain Tanner

Premiers théâtres romands (Prethero) 

Société de cour, élites et finances : de l’Hôtel des princes de Savoie à l’État moderne

Fagottini and tenoroons: small-sized bassoons from the 18th and 19th centuries

Aura und Effizienz. Leistungsorientierte Materialisierung und Spiritualisierung in der Literatur der 1920-30er-Jahre: Emmy Hennings, Marieluise Fleisser, Friedrich Glauser und Bruno Goetz


Education and the European Digital Agenda: Switzerland, Germany and Sweden after 1970

Cinéma et (neuro)psychiatrie en Suisse : autour de la collection Waldau (1920-1990)

Participation in Social Health Protection: An Anthropological Case Study in Tanzania

Promoting Knowledge. The Origins of the Science System and the Making of Professional Structures in European States, 1700-1870

WoPoss: A world of possibilities. Modal pathways over an extra-long period of time: the diachrony of modality in the Latin language

Locus Ludi database: The Kottabos in the Greek World

Operative TV: Audiovisual Closed-Circuits from the Military to the Classroom, 1930s-1990s


Globalgeschichtliche Perspektiven im Schweizer Geschichtsunterricht

Prendre une position épistémique dans l’interaction. Les marqueurs du savoir, du non-savoir et du doute en français


Healing Arts. Representations and Practices of Medical Knowledge in Art and Literature (9th-12th centuries)


Historische Lernprozesse erforschen – Research of Learning Processes in History (RicH)


Hieroglyphic Palaeography of the Ptolemaic Temple at Deir el-Medina


The Churches of Rome in the Middle Ages, 1050-1300. Liturgical Furnishing and Architecture (Corpus Cosmatorum II)

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