Short Description
The Bernoulli-Euler Online (BEOL) project integrates two edition projects into one digital platform: the Basler Edition der Bernoulli-Briefwechsel (BEBB) and Leonhardi Euleri Opera Omnia (LEOO). In addition, Jacob Bernoulli’s scientific notebook Meditationes – a document of outstanding significance for the history of mathematics at its turning point around 1700 – has been published for the first time in its entirety on the BEOL platform as a region-based multilayer interactive digital edition that provides access to facsimiles, transcriptions, translations, indices and commentaries.
BEOL is a virtual research environment for the study of early modern mathematics and science as a data graph using sophisticated analysis tools. BEOL is currently connected to two third-party repositories, the Newton Project and the Briefportal Leibniz, thus initiating the formation of a network of digital editions of the early modern scientific correspondence data. The goal of BEOL is twofold: it focuses on the mathematics influenced by the Bernoulli dynasty and Leonhard Euler, and undertakes a methodological effort to present these materials to the public and researchers in a functional way.
critical edition, mathematics, Transcriptions
critical edition, mathematics, Transcriptions
Bernoulli-Euler Online (BEOL)