When: March 22nd, 2023 (10:15-16:45)
Where: Bern and online
We are happy to invite you to the first DaSCHCon in 2023 in Bern which will be devoted to capturing the needs of digital editions with a focus on technical developments. During the first part of the event we will inform you about developments inside and connected with DaSCH.
To develop our tools and standards in line with what the community needs, we need your input! Thus, the second part of the event will be conducted in a workshop format. We have several questions which are of special concern for us - please see the downloadable pdf for details. We ask you for the submission of your contribution to daschcon@dasch.swiss until January 30th, 2023. Please use the template which you can download below.
Based on your submissions we will group your issues into categories, and they will serve as a basis for discussions during the workshop.
Here you can register for the event until March 10, 2023 (places on-site are limited).
The programme is now available!