The dissertation «Mit Stilus, Volumen und Spiegel» is dedicated to female literacy in the Latin-speaking west of the Roman Empire. The starting point for the investigation are the archaeological finds. Grave goods and grave markers always show a close connection between the object and the deceased person, as they were deliberately selected by the bereaved. The selection of objects, age, sex/gender, social environment, constructed image of memory and geographical distribution thus allow conclusions to be drawn about the spread of literacy among women in the Roman Empire that are not reflected in the literary sources.
Grave Goods, Inscriptions, Latin West, Literacy, Tombs, Women, Writing Equipment
Grave Goods, Inscriptions, Latin West, Literacy, Tombs, Women, Writing Equipment
Mit Stilus, Volumen und Spiegel. Untersuchungen zur Verbreitung von Lesen und Schreiben bei Frauen aus dem römischen Reich anhand von Funden aus dem Grabkontext.